Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Songs, Recording, Progress

Well since I left my last band in March of 2011 I've basically been looking for a drummer. When I left I already had a singer and another guitar player. But I've been writing songs and networking with people in the meantime. I have 7 songs done, 3 of them with lyrics and I have 2 more songs that we're working on. We're suppose to go into Dennis Ferguson's studio next month (February).Check his music out. Dennis Ferguson ToCloseToEvil. I'm wanting to record at least 2 of our songs. I'm not sure if Jeff will sing or not. I've been working on singing in case I have have to for these demos. But at least once we do start playing live we'll have stuff set up. A little bit of a following, a nice set list, connections and venues to play at.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Drummers WTF!

I was talking to a drummer on my way back home the other night. I was air guitar practicing some sweep arpeggios. Even when I don't have a guitar in my hand I still practice in one way or another. He saw me moving my fingers and he asked me if I played guitar and I told him yes and that I was looking for a drummer. He lives across the street in another housing track. Hopefully this dude doesn't flake out too. Every drummer I've talked to about playing in my band has been nothing but a flake!