Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Well Scott(other guitarist) told me that he was "hanging out" with some chick and she recommended us a drummer. He spoke to him and he sounded interested. Hmmmm where have I heard that before? Hopefully this dude doesn't flake too. Anyway, we still plan on hitting the studio beginning 2012. We will have someone play drums and bass regardless if we find a drummer by then or not. There are a lot of people asking about a release and show date. I don't like waiting and I especially don't like making fans, friends or people who take the time and show interest in us wait! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Black Fire Reign 3rd update

Still no drummer. We've taken a new approach. We have found a guy in Riverside named Dennis Ferguson at Decibel Records who's wanting to work with us(check his music out if you're into Pantera and/or Lamb of God on Facebook). He plays drums, bass and guitar and sings. He said he'll play Bass and Drums for us the recordings. Completely stoked about it!  So as soon as we get stuff organized we'll head into the studio and record our tracks. I have a guy in Los Angeles named Brady Westwater who will ask someone he knows to take a listen to it. He liked my last band so chances are he'll like this band too. We're more put together and will draw a bigger crowd when we start playing.(No offense intended towards Evisc)

Black Fire Reign 2nd update

It's been a couple of months and we're doing alright. We've got 5 complete original songs done and several more in progress. I put a couple of ads up looking for a drummer. I had about 4 or 5 contact me and of course all of them have flaked out. I was keeping in contact with one in particular because he sounded really interested. In the ad I put please be under 25 years old because we are all 20-23 years old. He is 26. I made an exception(after all we still haven't found a dedicated drummer)so I "said yeah you can jam out with us". I have set up several audition dates for the guy and he has flaked out on all three of them. It was kind of a slap in the face after gave the guy slack on his age.

Black Fire Reign 1st update

I left my last band Evisc back in March of this year(2011) due to typical band drama and not feeling appreciated for what I was doing. I still keep in contact with most of the band. I started up my new band Black Fire Reign shortly after leaving. It's currently My "cousins" Scott Reaper and Jeff Aguilar and myself. Scott plays guitar and I'm not sure if Jeff is going to sing or not. We might have to find another singer. And I play guitar, song write and sing back up vocals.